Max Sebald – The Rings of Saturn
Rebecca Solnit – A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Both these writers are renowned psychogeographers whose walks lead them to pen essays and observations full of insight and amazing widsom. Both are a joy to read and a real indulgence for me. I was introduced to both writers by Marina Warner during a recent period of study at Essex University. Marina has her own significant body of work that I hope to be able to explore in the future.
Philip Terry – Tapestry
I was privileged to be introduced to the delights of Oulipo by Phil, who also teaches at the University of Essex. This book is an amazing fictional journey into the creation of the Bayeux Tapestry and a must read.
Glyn Maxwell – On Poetry
This is a collection of Glyn’s essays about the craft of poetry writing. I find his poetry inspirational and reading them gives insight into the power of how twenty-six letters, placed in the hands of a master craftsman can uncover amazing truths about human nature.
Sarah Salway – Tell me Everything